
Hello back readers !

Do you ever think back about something that made you really happy, a good memory, and then suddenly remember how much things changed ? How much the people related to that memory hurt you ?
It is a thing that happens to me quite a lot. More that I would like to.
I hate that happy memories get turn into bad one because my brain likes to remind me what happened after that moment.

You have to learn to dissociate good memories and bad ones in order to truly cherish the good ones. 
I'm still learning.
I would usually give you tips on how-to but I honestly have no clue. I believe it is a selfwork only you can do. Train your brain to do as you wish, maybe ?
If you have any idea, please share them with me (and perhaps other readers) in the comments.

It is hard, to do so, but it's the only way to be happy with it.
I'm a very nostalgic person. I'll think about the past constantly. Remembering moments. Looking up at old pictures... And I will find myself, while remembering the moment captured, thinking about some bad memories linked to the people on the photos or the moment. I find it really sad.
I am constantly trying to better myself and this is a big part of my "slefwork". Stop thinking about the bad when you think about the good.
It just feels like my brain is on automatic mode whenever this happens.

Memories are different than people. They are link to one another but while a memory will always stays the same, people will not.
Once you understand that - once you forced your brain to incorporate that inside itself - it will be easier to remember moments even when they are about people who were bad to you.
It will be happy memories again, just like it was before those people hurt you.

Maybe this could help. Say "thank you" to have those memories. Be happy and thankful you had the opportunity to live those happy moments. You will have tons more, I promise.

It's all about balance.
In my last post I talked about being zen. While I am not a yoga expert - no kidding, I know it gives a big importance to balance. Balance in your life. Balance the good and the bad in order to find happiness.
Once again I don't have any tips to give.
You need to find a balance so you can make your memories happy again.
Separate the act and the person. Remember what made you so happy, erase the present from the past. The past stays in the past and same goes for the present. I know it might not make much sense, but I hope you get it.
I am not saying you should forget the wrong people did to you but you shouldn't let it ruin the happiness of the past.

Hold on to the happy memories, let go of bad people.

I'll just finish with this last photo. I love what it says.
In everything bad, there is some good. Nothing is just all black or white. Every thing that happens to you makes you grow up. Nobody has a perfect life. Relationship will change. Some in a good way while some won't.
Just stay positive.

Ps : Shoutout to myself for saying "remembering" and "memories" so many times in one post. Great writing skills, really.
