How to survive a bad day ?

Hello everybody !

Yesterday I had one of those days when nothing goes right.
Something doesn't go the way it should, then something else happen, and something else,.. all adding up and you get frustrated and in a bad mood.

You know that saying "When nothing goes right, go left", well sometimes, the left lane is close and you gotta stay on the right one ! How to deal with a bad day then ?
I haven't find the perfect solution, but maybe I can still help you !

Here's a few tips that might help you :

1. When so many things happen at the same time, try focus on one thing at the time. Don't try to fix every problems all at once. It's not possible, usually, and will just make you even more frustrated.

2. Surround yourself with people you love, people that make you laugh.

3. Talk about your problems with your friend/family. Even if it can seem silly, even if you think they won't care. I can assure you, they do care, so talk about it ! They will gladly help you and if they cannot, it will make you feel good to talk about.

4. Don't stress yourself up - I know, it's easy to say, harder to do. Things will get better !

5. Read a good book, watch a movie, if you have time.

6. Listen to your favorite songs, some happy music. Here's one of mine, always cheering me up :

As I said, things will get better and if at the end of the day, they don't, just go to bed, snuggle in a warm, fluffy blanket and sleep it off. You will start the next day all fresh and happy ! 

I hope this help a little.
Keep your head up lovelies ! You are strong and you can survive this bad crapy day !

