Inhale, exhale...

Hello Reader(s) !

Lately, I am really into The Carrie Diaries.
It is a tv-show about Carrie Bradshaw, from the movie Sex & The City, which I've never seen (I know, I know, gotta catch up on that !), about when she was a teenager.
You see the beautiful Manhattan, in the end of the 80's, with its big mobile phones and its amazing fashion. I mean, seriously, I would kill for Carrie's clothes ! Literally.
I will recommend you to watch this show, I love it at the moment ! It's all about new life experience, teenagers love story, family, friends,... and fashion. Which is probably why I love it so much. I also would kill to live just one day with Carrie.
In each episode is a main subject : love, pressure, family,...
One of season 2 episode - don't worry, no spoilers here - is all about being zen. And it really touched me, from the inside. They say "Zen is all about living for the moment".
How nice does that sound ?
Being able do accept everything that is happening in your life, letting go, being positive...
Really, what a dream. And yet, just a dream. Or maybe not ?
People do it. It should be possible, right ?

Being zen sounds so appealing right now.
I've been under so much pressure, stressing over every.single.thing. It's exhausting. College Finals, family, friends, future trips I'm planning,... Ugh.
The worst thing might be that, even if I try, I can't just let it all go. My head is one of a demon when it gets to making things easy. I overthink everything. Bad habits.
I'm just hoping things will get better some time. I'm sure it will. I'm just not really seeing it right now. We all have been there, haven't we ? At some point of your life, you feel like nothing is going the way it should, that you are making mistakes all the time... That nothing goes right. But just keep this in mind : Things get better. They do, it just takes time, sometimes.
I like this quote, too. Makes me kinda smile, so I though I would share it with you :

Being zen is hard, sometime we just felt like the stress is overwhelming us. I am not a professional at being zen, not at all, actually. I've tried yoga, and I honestly loved it. I'm using the past because sadly, I'm not taking any time to do some anymore. I'm really willing to start again. It helps you relax, feel better in your body and I always feel "lighter" once I've done some exercise.
I would also be interested in taking some classes for that.
I don't think I could do meditation. I'm just too much of a thinker. But I am definitively all about relaxing yourself, feeling good in your body and head.
So here's some tip from a non-professional relaxing-adept (however that might sound) :
1. Listen relaxing music when you feel stressed. You can find a lot of those on YouTube.
There is one that I really like that helps me sleep, so I will leave you the link right here. It is not really a song, it's more a music made of waves. Work your brain. One thing about it : I listen to it when I go to sleep but I don't put it on repeat because I've done it once and I realized at some point the waves just interrupted my sleep. It's 45 minutes, way enough for you to fall asleep and wake up feeling like you slept like a baby !
2. Try to  have happy thoughs. Think about things that makes you happy. Like my last article : remind yourself of things you like. Rewind your brain to be happy ! Read the article here.
3. Whenever you feel really stressed, wear your favorite clothes. Or just something fancy.
4. Make plans for the future. Close future if possible. It will give you a goal, a think to look forward to, so you won't be eaten alive by stress.
5. Talk. Talk about it with your friends or family. They might be able to help you or at least talking will make you feel better.

I think, the main idea is not to get mad or upset too fast. Trying to control our emotions.
It's hard, but I'm sure, with a little practice, we can do it !

Love & Relax.
